Many adults with a range of work experience are seeking ways to earn a bachelor’s degree- and for a good reason. A college degree offers chances for better jobs, greater opportunities for advancement, and higher earnings potential in the future.
Fortunately, several schools offer programs that allow learners to use their life and work experience to graduate faster and save on college costs. This is an excellent opportunity for those who are already working in Computer Science and want to further their education and career.
How Can Work Experience Earn You Credits Toward Your Computer Science Degree?
Many students earn credit for work experience or life learning through the following ways:
Credit by exam: Students can earn college credit for prior life/work experience by taking standardized tests ( DSST/ CLEP) on academic topics. If they pass the exam, they may present it to their school to gain course credits for that subject matter.
Prior learning assessment: Some universities and Colleges often require students to provide a portfolio that includes evidence of relevant work experience, certifications, military training, or other formal education. This portfolio is then used to assess the amount of credit that should be granted.

It is essential to contact the specific university you are interested in attending to find out their process for evaluating and granting credit for prior learning.
Online Computer Science Programs With Credit For Life Experience
There are a number of schools that offer academic credit for work experience for computer science degrees. Here are some top picks:
#1. Fort Hays State University
Program: B.S Computer Science
Tuition: $181.46 per credit hour (resident); $529.68 per credit hour (non-resident)
Accreditation: Regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission
Financial Aid: Available with 96% of students receiving financial aid.
The B.S. in Computer Science from FHSU equips students with the skills they need to succeed in today’s technology-driven workplace. FHSU awards credit for work experience through Credit by Portfolio Evaluation. Students who have completed five years of professional experience may request credit for a program based on department faculty members’ evaluation of their portfolio.
#2. University Of Maryland Global Campus
Program: B.S Computer Science
Tuition: $312 per credit (in-state); $499 per credit (out-of-state)
Accreditation: Middle States Commission on Higher Education
Financial Aid: Available with 53% of students receiving financial aid.
UMGC offers two programs designed to translate experiential learning into college credit:
- Course Challenge: Course Challenge allows you to earn credit for almost any undergraduate course by passing an examination administered by the UMGC.
- Portfolio: The Portfolio is a way for you to document and verify your college-level learning through previous work.
#3. Colorado Technical University
Program: B.S Computer Science
Tuition: $340 per credit
Accreditation: Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission
Financial Aid: Available with 88% of students receiving financial aid.
The B.S. in Computer Science at CTU is designed for students interested in designing software and programming. CTU offers several programs that provide different opportunities for students to receive college credit for life experience and prior learning by creating Experiential Learning Portfolios (ELPs), possessing professional certifications, or scoring well on standardized tests.
#4. Columbia College
Program: B.S Computer Science
Tuition: $375 per credit
Accreditation: Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission
Financial Aid: Available with 95% of students receiving financial aid.
The BS in Computer Science at Columbia College is designed according to best practices established by the Association for Computing Machinery and the IEEE Computer Society. Students who want credit for prior learning experience must provide a portfolio of relevant information that describes the learning acquired in a specific course area.
#5. Wilmington University
Program: B.S Computer Science
Tuition: $399 per credit
Accreditation: Middle States Commission on Higher Education
Financial Aid: Available with 66% of students receiving financial aid.
You can complete your Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science faster (and save money) by earning WilmU credit for degrees and courses you’ve already completed, as well as licenses or certifications that demonstrate professional experience.
#6. Regent University
Program: B.S Computer Science
Tuition: $450 per credit
Accreditation: SACSCOC
Financial Aid: Available with 100% of students receiving financial aid.
With Regent’s Computer Science Degree, students learn to solve complex computational problems, improve process efficiency and explore ethical challenges from a Christian worldview. Regent University grants college credit for demonstrable learning acquired outside the classroom. Such sources include, but are not limited to training programs, workshops, seminars, licenses and certificates for special competencies
#7. Baker College
Program: B.S Computer Science
Tuition: $435 per credit hour
Accreditation: The Higher Learning Commission
Financial Aid: Available with 96% of students receiving financial aid.
The B.S. in Computer Science at Baker College program is designed in consultation with industry professionals, and the curriculum is revised to reflect advances in technology. Baker’s Credit for Work and Life Experience program allows students to apply their professional and personal experiences toward college credit.
#8. Weber State University
Program: B.S Computer Science
Tuition: $493 per credit (resident); $1,455 per credit (non-resident)
Accreditation: Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Financial Aid: Available with 91% of students receiving financial aid.
Weber University offers Prior Learning Assessment through a Cooperative Work Experience course. This course allows Computer Science majors to receive academic credit for work they are already doing in an area related to their major. Their supervisor must approve the arrangement, and a faculty member will mentor them throughout this process. The amount of upper-division credit a student can earn will be determined by the department, depending on how much work has been completed.
#9. DePaul University
Program: B.A in Computing with a Concentration in Computer Science
Tuition: $722 per credit
Accreditation: Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission
Financial Aid: Available with 99% of students receiving financial aid.
DePaul students demonstrate college-level learning through a PLA project. This typically includes an academic paper that explains how the student’s experience meets or exceeds college expectations, supported by scholarly sources. Students can demonstrate the relevance of their projects in many ways, such as through relevant certifications or work products.
To sum up, Computer Science students who have already worked in the field should talk to their academic advisor about getting credit for that experience. Many schools offer this option, and it can significantly reduce the cost and time required to complete a Computer Science degree.
Check out this USDegrees article for more in-depth information on credit for work/life experience.