Do you want to drop out of college because you aren’t motivated or cannot afford it? Worry not because you are not alone. According to College Atlas, about 30% of college students drop out in their first year. However, it is essential to talk to your parents and your college to have a smooth transition before taking that step.
What can you do after cutting short your college degree? It would be good to have an idea of what you would like to pursue because the outside world offers several options.
Here are some alternatives you can consider after dropping out of college. Keep reading!
9 Things To Do After Dropping Out of College
Take a Break
Maybe you need to take some time to think and meditate as you figure things out. If you can afford it, it is advisable to utilize this time with stimulating activities such as traveling.
Besides, you may realize that you are not ready to drop out entirely. It could turn out that you need to take just a gap year break before making the final decision. Taking a short break will allow you to calm your mind and embrace the present moment.
However, when taking a break, it is essential you first consult with your academic advisor. This is because you need to be sure of the possibility of coming back to your education after a year away.
Find a Part-Time Job
Securing a part-time job will help you make money to support yourself while pursuing other interests. As a result, you will have an opportunity to save money as you gain skills to help advance your career.
Depending on your area of interest, for example, the marketing industry, you can start a part-time job by working as a receptionist at a marketing company. You will gain the necessary skills to navigate the field even as you expand your network.
Interestingly, a part-time job does not always have to be aligned with your long-term career goals. It could show your strong work ethic and ability to acquire transferable skills to potential employers.
Talk to a Career Counselor
If you are not sure of the next step, seeking the help of a career counselor is essential. Besides, speaking to a career counselor can help you realize your passion and goals. Therefore, you can find a new path to unlock your career.
A counselor can also guide you on the jobs you qualify for. This is after taking into consideration your current experience and education. When you involve them, it is possible to further your career path without a college certificate.
You can also talk to those who have walked the same path before you, apart from the career advisors.
Open Your Own Business
Have you ever thought of a cutting-edge idea for a new business? After dropping out of college this could be the ideal time to make a move and start small. Starting a small business could see you establish full-time self-employment.
Besides, you could consider moving digital by having an online store. As a result, it will be easier for you to start and have a large customer base. Therefore, leaping to actualize your business idea by utilizing your social media accounts could be a game-changer.
It is worth noting that we’re in the digital era. Therefore, consistency in your social media platforms and an excellent website can guarantee success. However, it may not necessarily come quickly.
Enroll in an Online Course
Could it be that the conventional college journey was not meant for you? You are lucky because massive online courses are open for you to gain new skills. To continue learning, you may consider applying for one.
Today, there are credible online institutions and educational programs, and therefore you can still pursue your degree. There are also Facebook groups and YouTube for you to self-study and learn new topics.
You will enjoy many benefits by enrolling in an online course or pursuing an online degree. For example, you save huge on university expenses. You also get the opportunity to work and learn at your own pace.
Volunteer work provides you with an opportunity to gain professional skills as you find your true purpose in life. Besides, you can work out towards a cause of interest or something you feel passionate about.
There are various short- and long-term programs where you can volunteer to offer services. As a result, you will feel fulfilled even as you give back to the community. Volunteer services are always excellent because the program impacts your life while touching others.
Though you won’t be paid, the skills and the experience gained is worth it. You also have the chance to explore other career options based on volunteer work.
Engage in a Creative Interest
Do you have a specific interest in life? Talk of painting, music, and photography, among others. This is when you need to think of pursuing these interests and cultivating the necessary skills.
You may consider some valuable skills and life lessons you have gained during your college time. These skills and abilities, such as critical thinking and time management, may help you focus and build your interest.
The good news is that it is possible to turn your passion and interests into a profitable pursuit. However, it requires discipline and patience because it may take time.
Seek an Entry-Level Job
Interestingly, there are a variety of jobs where formal education is not a requirement- not all careers need you to have a college degree. Therefore, you can find an entry-level position, especially in your field of interest.
If you don’t want to continue with your education, you can talk to a counselor to help you explore available options. Besides, you can also do some internet research for freelance services and administrative jobs for your education level.
You can also sign up for recruitment agencies to help you find the ideal position and get you started. It is possible to start low and rise in the field, and as a result, the entry-level becomes your full-time job.
Get an Internship
On the other hand, if you prefer to have first-hand industry experience, interning would be a good idea. You can decide to find an internship in your field instead of attending lectures.
Lecture-based learning is not for everyone to like. However, there are numerous routes such as vocational training you can take to help you reach your educational goal. You don’t have to listen to somebody else’s experience in a lecture hall.
Although most internship jobs are unpaid, the internship provides you with a close-up of the career in the field. After all, the employers are looking to see if you have the necessary skills and experience to touch the ground running.
Sometimes, college life may push you to the corner, and you can’t hold it anymore. For example, you may go through some medical or family issues that require you to cut short your college education. Don’t give up because you can’t find something else to do. You can get an entry-level job, pursue a creative interest, or find an internship. Besides, you can talk to a career counselor to help you make the right move. With these alternatives, you can still make it in life.